Friday, July 4, 2008

We're Back...

Jeff and I have just returned home from a trip to Albuquerque New Mexico. Jeff bowled in the Nationals Tourney up there. Although he didn't win any big money bowling and I spent to much money at the casino we still had a wonderful time.

I managed to find one of two scrapbook stores in Albuquerque called Memory Lane. They had an awesome selection of stamps and of course all the latest and greatest supplies. I picked up a few "must haves" while there.

Now it's back to scrapping and cardmaking. Prior to going away I had been on a quest to make and mail my Mom in Michigan a card everyday. I have succeeded in doing this for the last 30 days and Mom is so enjoying it. Mom even sent me a book of stamps because she didn't want me to run out LOL. While I was away my sister took over so Mom wouldn't miss a thing. My plan for the weekend is to get in my scrapbook room and replenish my card inventory so come Monday morning I can get right back on track.

Hope all of you are enjoying the 4th of July relaxing with family and friends.
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1 comment:

Beach said...

I miss New Mexico this time of year cause up in the mountains is 10-20 degrees cooler on any given day. Looks like you had fun, what a sweet idea to do for your mom. I have only made one card since I have started scrappin but am looking forward to trying some more. Have a great 4th of July!!!! :) Heather